Tuesday, January 26, 2010

SOSSE on ATMega163 progress

I have complied SOSSE (Simple Operating System for Smartcard Education) for ATMega 163 with small changes.

- Replace "ARCH=atmega161" with "ARCH=atmega163".
- Replace "AS=avr-as" with "AS=avr-gcc -c -mmcu=$(ARCH) -x assembler-with-cpp".

- Replace "io.h" with "avr/io.h".

- Replace "__AVR_ATmega161__" with "__AVR_ATmega163__".

- Replace "io.h" with "avr/io.h".
- Replace "oub(a, b)" with "b = a".
- Add "#define eeprom_rb eeprom_read_byte".
- Add "#define eeprom_wb eeprom_write_byte".

- Replace "pgmspace.h" with "avr/pgmspace.h".

- Copy tea-atmega161.S as tea-atmega163.S.

I wrote sosse.bin and eedata.bin onto ATMega Card ATMega163+24C256, and got ATR (Answer To Reset).
However, I could not access to the card with APDU command.
The card seems to be hanged up... Umm.


  1. Hi,

    Have you made any further progress on this? After making equivalent changes, I seem to have the same problem running SOSSE on an ATmega163 (though I'm using a Gemplus USB reader). It works fine on the supported AT90S8515, but on the ATmega163 it sends the ATR and then doesn't respond to commands.

    Frustratingly, a homebrew ISO-7816 reader talks to both just fine...

  2. Which programmer do you use to burn SOSSE hex?
    Can you please share the link where I can buy online?

    Thanks in Advance!
    - Hardik
